Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Growth" vs. "Fixed" Minds

Some students have a fixed mindset and base their activities on whether their intelligence will be shown to an advantage. Other students believe that their intelligence is something that they can develop throughout live through education. They did an experiment. A group of students were taught study skills and growth mind set while the other half of the group were taught only study skills. The students who were taught study skills alone did not benefit from them because they did not have the motivation to use them. However, the students were taught study skills and a growth mind set lesson saw big improvements and so did there teachers.
This video podcast was very interesting and informative. After watching this podcast I became interested in reading her book so that I can teach the growth mindset to my students. The growth mindset not only prepares students for success in the classroom but it also prepare them for the business world. I learned that "When it comes to you brain don't lock down keep those neutrons connecting".

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