Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My EDM 310 Blog Assignments are Now Complete.
Dr. Strange you really know your stuff about some technology. You have taught me so much in this short period. You will be proud to know that I will continue to use Google because it's FREE. This was a fun group. We learned so much about each other. I know that sometimes I asked questions that you where thinking but was to cool to ask. You can thank me later! Good luck to everyone and don't be shy when you see me in the halls!
Visiting a Access Lab

I went to visit the Access lab at Davidson High School with Theola, Myrenda, and Amelia. Mrs. Wright gave us a tour of the Access lab. She showed us the equipment they are going to be using to make the lab possible.
There was students in the lab have class during the time of our visit. She told us that they have all the equipment in place but will start actually having classes their next year.The smart board was not operating yet.
I think once they get everthing up and going it's going to be a great facility and a great resource. I enjoyed our visit.
I learned...
Throught out the semester I have learned alot about technology. Dr. Strange taught me that there is more to technology. Technology can be used in numerous different ways. I have learned how to do so much on google. Before taking this course I only uded google as a search engine. Now I use it to create word documents, spreadsheets, and databases. I also use google for instant messaging and cool gadgets. Not only did I learn stuff in google world but I also learned how to create blogs, and podcast.This class has truely been a great learning experience for me. I have learn so much material that can be used during my teaching career. This was just the foundation that I needed before starting my career.
Classmate Blog
I read Adrienne Lynch's blog. Even though I hate blogging I thought that it was very benefical to me. After reading mine and then reading over Adrienne's I could tell that there was many plusses in blogging. I learned a lot through listen to my podcast and reading other blogs for assignments. I think that it is a great communication tool for teachers, parents, and students. Anyone in the world who have internet access can communicate.
Blogging also has it minuses. It was hard for me to find the time to blog when I wasn't in class. Students who do not own a computer grades can really suffer from the assignment.
I think that over all blogging has more plusses. I have learned some interesting and educational material through blogs.
Blogging also has it minuses. It was hard for me to find the time to blog when I wasn't in class. Students who do not own a computer grades can really suffer from the assignment.
I think that over all blogging has more plusses. I have learned some interesting and educational material through blogs.
EDM 310 Podcasts
I listen to all the podcast and thought that they were good considering none of us have had broadcasting training! The first one that I listen to was mine "Face book as an Educational Tool". I thought that compared to the other groups we kinda got the short hand of the stick since one of our groups members drop the class. It was hard to carry out the conversation for the required time length when only two of us. We didn't want our podcast to sound scripted so it was hard to pull off. Theola had the hardest role because she had to do more research on the topic. I only had to ask most of the questions. I think that our podcast had a lot of room for improvement and that it could have been better if we were more prepared. Thank goodness for Dr. Strange's help.
The next podcast that I listen to was "YouTube as an Educational Tool". This podcast was done by Adrianne, Brain, and Jocelyn. I thought that their podcast was informative but a little too cooperative. It would have been nice to hear some disagreement and controversy.
The third podcast that I listen to was "What I learned from Randy Pausch Lecture". It was done by Brandy, Amanda, and Daniel. I thought that they did a good job. It sounded natural. Daniel interupted a few times but that's what made it sound natural and fun to listen to.
The fourth podcast that I listened to was "
The next podcast that I listen to was "YouTube as an Educational Tool". This podcast was done by Adrianne, Brain, and Jocelyn. I thought that their podcast was informative but a little too cooperative. It would have been nice to hear some disagreement and controversy.
The third podcast that I listen to was "What I learned from Randy Pausch Lecture". It was done by Brandy, Amanda, and Daniel. I thought that they did a good job. It sounded natural. Daniel interupted a few times but that's what made it sound natural and fun to listen to.
The fourth podcast that I listened to was "
Math in Technology
Using technology in Math gives student a hands-on approach. Students who learn best from hands-on activities will truly benefit from this. Using technology allows the students to use critical thinking skills therefore they actually learn instead of memorizing the material.
I agree with Judy Chandler because teaching directly from the Math books do not teach the students critical thinking skills. Allowing the students to learn the lessons through playing games can make Math fun for the students. As a teacher I will use technology as much as possible when doing Math activities. I belief that more students would enjoy Math if educators used more technology.
I agree with Judy Chandler because teaching directly from the Math books do not teach the students critical thinking skills. Allowing the students to learn the lessons through playing games can make Math fun for the students. As a teacher I will use technology as much as possible when doing Math activities. I belief that more students would enjoy Math if educators used more technology.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
"Growth" vs. "Fixed" Minds
Some students have a fixed mindset and base their activities on whether their intelligence will be shown to an advantage. Other students believe that their intelligence is something that they can develop throughout live through education. They did an experiment. A group of students were taught study skills and growth mind set while the other half of the group were taught only study skills. The students who were taught study skills alone did not benefit from them because they did not have the motivation to use them. However, the students were taught study skills and a growth mind set lesson saw big improvements and so did there teachers.
This video podcast was very interesting and informative. After watching this podcast I became interested in reading her book so that I can teach the growth mindset to my students. The growth mindset not only prepares students for success in the classroom but it also prepare them for the business world. I learned that "When it comes to you brain don't lock down keep those neutrons connecting".
This video podcast was very interesting and informative. After watching this podcast I became interested in reading her book so that I can teach the growth mindset to my students. The growth mindset not only prepares students for success in the classroom but it also prepare them for the business world. I learned that "When it comes to you brain don't lock down keep those neutrons connecting".
Monday, October 27, 2008
What is a Planet?
This podcast was very informative. I found it under the K-5 section. I learned that until August of 2006 IAU reconized nine planets in our solar system, before then new studies had brought atonomers to believe that there was ten to thirteen planets out there. They had to come up with a scientific definition of what a planet is. A planet is a body that orbits a star, has enough mass to create its own gravity, has a round shape, and has cleared its neighborhood. According to this Pluto is not a planet because it crosses path with Neptune. Pluto has been reclassified as a dwarf planet. Scienitifc studies are always changing as new discoveries are made.
Teaching Outside of the Classroom
I think that all students should be given a chance to do activites and assignments outside the classroom. I am a hands-on learner and think that more teachers should use this approach. I believe that hands-on activities require students to actually think therefore, learn the material instead of simply memorizing it for the test. I think that learning should be a fun experience.
There are so many different styles of podcasting. My favorites are informal group podcasts that are entertaining as well as informative. Listening to the six podcasts I found only a few of the them interesting enough to maintain my focus. The "Smartboard Weekly" was a podcast with both a male and female host who discussed ways to use the smartboard in the classroom. I found it interesting and would like to have a smart board in my classroom. Another podcast that I found interesting was "MacBreak Weekly". I thought that the show was pretty halarious. The jokes kept me laughing. The way they kinda went from one topic to the next kept my attention. There was a lot of jokes but this podcast will help me out when I purchase a new camera. The last podcast, "This Week in Photography", was interesting to me too. I like to take pictures and learned some good tips from this show.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Randy Pausch Last Lecture
Dr. Pausch has an awesome personality and his lecture was so inspiring. This guy had only a few month to live and there he was motivating others to live out there dreams. He was a dead man walking, yet he still possessed so much life. Dr. Pausch reminded everyone that we have the power to make the difference in some one's life by simply pushing them a little harder. There is a mentor in all of us. Even thought there will be some brick walls in life he encourages us to never give up.
Dr. Pausch passed away in July of 2008 but he will definitely live on in those who heard this message, through family, friends, and children that he reached. I think even from the grave Dr. Pausch is still fulfilling his dream. Listening to this lecture reminds all of us what teaching is about.
Dr. Pausch passed away in July of 2008 but he will definitely live on in those who heard this message, through family, friends, and children that he reached. I think even from the grave Dr. Pausch is still fulfilling his dream. Listening to this lecture reminds all of us what teaching is about.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
iTunes University
I think the use of iPods and iTunes is great. With iTunes students can download lectures on the go or if they miss class. If students could use iTunes to download lectures it would really benefit students with learning disabilites and would allow them and everyone else to go over the material several times. I'm sure instructor would see an increase in test scores.
iPods @ Duke University
During 2005-2006 academic year Duke University did an experiment and gave iPods to all incoming freshman to enhance the use of technology on campus. Students used the iPods for audio recordings, download course content, schedules, and acaddemic calendars. The program was very exciting for students. Professors saw some improvement in students work and better presentations.
I think it would be great if the USA tried the experiment as well. Recieving an iPod at orientation would be so cool. Plus I'm all for the use of technology! Dr. Strange do you think you could pull some strings and make that happen?
I think it would be great if the USA tried the experiment as well. Recieving an iPod at orientation would be so cool. Plus I'm all for the use of technology! Dr. Strange do you think you could pull some strings and make that happen?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Dr. Alice Christie's
Dr. Christie is sharing her experiences and knowledge with everyone. She have safety tips and guidelines for internet users and parents to maintain safe online. She have links in place to show you how to understand and navigate the internet.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Can Wikipedia Be A Trusted Source?
I would never use Wikipedia as a source. Anyone can make changes to information or give there own opinion. Who knows if these people have done any research on the topics that they are sharing with the world. When I become a teacher I will inform my students that Wikipedia can not be trusted. I'm sure that some of the information on Wikipedia is true but you should just stick to sources that you know for sure is credible.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Best of Fischbowl- July 07: Where were the students?
In this blog Karl Fisch and a team of teachers are returning from National Educational Computing Conference; afterwards he questioned "Where were the students?" He was trying to inspire educators to get the students involved in discussions about what is best for them. He believe that on a high school level the student voices would be so much powerful. He believe that student involvement in lesson planning efforts would help implement what's best for the students. He said "Perhaps if we listened to students more, we might learn a few things."
I totally agree with him on this one. I think receiving input from the students on what works best for them shows the students that you are willing to listen, that you respect their opinions, and that you are interested in helping them learn. I think at any level, students should be able to voice concerns and participate in student voting on certain issues. I don't believe that students should be allowed to make decisions on what teachers are able to do in the classrooms. At the end of the day the teachers should get the final say so but should definitely try to implement student voices. Once educators allow student voices to be heard they will understand more from a students point if view and possibly become more effective teachers.
I totally agree with him on this one. I think receiving input from the students on what works best for them shows the students that you are willing to listen, that you respect their opinions, and that you are interested in helping them learn. I think at any level, students should be able to voice concerns and participate in student voting on certain issues. I don't believe that students should be allowed to make decisions on what teachers are able to do in the classrooms. At the end of the day the teachers should get the final say so but should definitely try to implement student voices. Once educators allow student voices to be heard they will understand more from a students point if view and possibly become more effective teachers.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
This blogs is one that makes me think about all of the teachers that I had K-12 and realize that most of them were technologically illerate. I then wonder what affects that had in my learning experiences. I wonder if I was deprived or robbed in someway. Like the blogger I remember hearing teachers say that didn't know anything about computers as if they were proud.
When I'm in the classroom I will make sure that my students are exposed to new technology. I will make sure that I get the resources available to me so that I can teach effectively and incorprate current technology in my class. I will also get the students involved in technology and resources. It is important that youngsters are not robbed of technologically education simply because teachers aren't willing to continue learning.
When I'm in the classroom I will make sure that my students are exposed to new technology. I will make sure that I get the resources available to me so that I can teach effectively and incorprate current technology in my class. I will also get the students involved in technology and resources. It is important that youngsters are not robbed of technologically education simply because teachers aren't willing to continue learning.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Classroom Blogs
The first class blog that I looked at was Miss El's 5th grade class. Miss. El's uses her site to welcome her students. She gives each of her students their own page and allow them to post whatever they like. She also gives her students topics to discuss on their blogs. Her students are excited about their blogs.
Miss El's Class Blog
The second class blog that I visited was Mr. Wright's 3rd grade class in Rolla, Missouri. Mr. Wright has his website setup really cool. The purpose for his site is enhance technology in the classroom. On the site he post assigniments, other links, class pictures and to display class video production.
Mr. Wright's Class
New Aricles
Ms Averitt has located two very interesting articles about RSS Feeds and Podcasting. I have posted them under Syllabus and Handouts, but I am going to also put the links for them here.
The ABC's of RSS feeds
The ABC's of RSS feeds
Monday, September 8, 2008
International Schools using Blogs

The first class blog that I found was Mrs. Cassidy's 1st grade class in Moose Jaw, Canada. Mrs. Cassidy uses her class site to post have her assignments, daily activies, student entries, and class videos. I notice that she post the daily assignments for her class. Their was also a video on the site. The video was a portion of today with her students telling what words begins with a "p". How cute!!!
Mrs. Cassidy's Class
Monday, September 1, 2008
Did You Know?
I thought that this video was very interesting and informative. It points out how important it is for children to receive the proper education in existing technology in order for them to be well prepared in the future. Parents and educators have to make sure that they are providing the resources for their children to succeed in the 21st century. The number of Internet devices has increased tremendously since 1984. Today's society has much more technology, than a decade ago. The Internet is so important in today's society, it is almost impossible to function in society without it. The Internet allows its users access to the world at it's fingertips. This video answered questions I never knew, while reinforcing answers that I knew but never realized.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
ALEX is not the only resource available to teachers and students, there is also a learning program called ACCESS. The Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide is a distance learning plan that provide advance placement courses to high school students that are not available in local schools. ACCESS prepare these students for a college setting.
ACCESS can be very beneficial for students. It provide highly qualified educators and allows students to work at their own pace; even retake lessons as much as they like. It allows both the teacher and student to engage in cross culture experiences. I think ACCESS is the education of the future.
ACCESS can be very beneficial for students. It provide highly qualified educators and allows students to work at their own pace; even retake lessons as much as they like. It allows both the teacher and student to engage in cross culture experiences. I think ACCESS is the education of the future.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Alabama Learning Exchange is an online resource available to teachers, administrators, and students in Alabama. This online program provides courses of study, web links, lesson plan, personal workspace and other resources.
When I’m in the classroom I will definitely use this site and make sure that my students and parents know that there are resources beyond the classroom.
When I’m in the classroom I will definitely use this site and make sure that my students and parents know that there are resources beyond the classroom.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
About Me
My name is Larrica Smith. I am named after my father whose name is Larry. My parents have six children and I am the baby girl. In 2002, I graduated from Baldwin County High School. About a year later I married my high school sweetheart. Around the spring of 07 I realized the importance of education and financial stability. I enrolled at Faulkner State Community College and haven’t looked back. This is my first semester at the University of South Alabama. I am a sophomore majoring in Elementary Education. I spend most of my time studying but when I not hitting the books I like to have a good time. My hobbies are shopping, four wheeler riding, horseback riding, and entertaining family and friends. I wish everyone good luck in EDM 310 and a smooth sailing semester.
Hello Everbody!!
Welcome to my blog!!!
I will be posting blogs pretty regularly so be on the look out for updates.
I will be posting blogs pretty regularly so be on the look out for updates.
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